For over 20 years Benson has given individuals and businesses peace of mind by caring for their technology needs. Contact us today and let us make your technology work for you.


101 E. Main St., Suite B101 Syracuse, IN 46567


Residential IT Support FAQ

Welcome to the Residential IT Support FAQ section of Benson Communications. Here, we answer your most common questions about our residential IT support services. This page is here to provide the information you need to understand how Benson can work with you to keep your technology up and running.

How long will it take for your computer to be repaired?

Some computers are in and out within a couple of hours, others take several days to complete. The biggest hurdle in computer repair is whether or not proprietary replacement hardware will have to be ordered to fix your PC. We try hard to make sure we have standard replacement parts in shop for your convenience, but there are times when we will have to order parts and then wait for their arrival.

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